the overthinker

via pinterest

Me. I am an overthinker. The thing is, I don't need to be. God holds my tomorrow.
Have you ever had the feeling of panicky chaos caused by thoughts running madly around your head? So many things to do. So many things to worry about. Stress seems to follow where ever I go. And I know; I can't do it all by myself. Sometimes I just freak out.
Falling to my knees...tears come and I just don't know anymore. And always, always, somehow, He helps me out of it. Helps me to my feet and lifts me out of a deep hole of anxiety and worry. Someway He sends a message or a happening to make me feel free again. I'm so thankful for that. Because, some days, it's really bad. And I am NOT ashamed to say, my God is truly, deeply amazing. He has a way with things that words can't describe. So, get back on your feet again, know that Jesus is with you in your thoughts, mind, heart and soul. You don't have to worry about tomorrow or ever over think anymore, He is with you.


  1. Overthinkers united! I'm an overthinker overthinker, overachiever, over-many-things...
    When I get to stressed out I order my brain to stop thinking so much, but that requires a whole new lot of thinking!
    Beautiful post. <3

  2. Very encouraging! Thank you!!!


    1. Thank you, Sapphire, it's a pleasure. ♥
      Tane xxx

  3. AMEN! I saw the title and I was like "yep! this is for me!" I agree so much. I overthink so much and it can lead to me going into a depression. but God is so good.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed my post, Faith! Thanks very much for your comment, Faith.
      Tane ♥

  4. I know what your talking about, I sometimes just want to give UP! But He is always there, to help me up... And he always will be, for ever and ever he so, so, so amazing! Grace xxx ♥ :)

  5. I do have a tendency to look to far ahead, and all I do is get depressed about the way things are going the healthcare act, the economy, and the South won't rise again, doggone it. But really I just need to pay attention to what's in front of me. You miss a lot of the road if you're looking at your radar, you know?

    1. I think I do know. Sometimes you just have to stop thinking for a while and let your heart lead you.
      Thank you for visiting my blog, Ajax.
      Tane ♥

  6. Quite welcome, it's very interesting and I've enjoyed reading it. Yol Bolsun!

  7. This post kinda described me perfectly. <3 I over think wayy to much... and it gets me in trouble.. { Sometimes more than I would like to admit. :p } But this inspired me. (:

    xxx. Kayla

  8. Mmm...lovely and encouraging post. I'm one of those over thinkers too...I stress out about dumb things, choosing to grip the worry tightly instead of giving it to Jesus in the very beginning. He us faithful and never gives up on Me. Slowly He overwhelms me with His love and presence and slowly shows me that I don't need to worry and hang onto anxiety. He holds me in His hands. I only need to rest in His quiet arms while He works out my days.
    Matthew 6:25-34 has always been very encouraging to me, and I pray God will speak to you through it too.
    Blessings to you, dear. God has shaped you in His hands, and He holds your days in His hands. You only need to rest quietly in His fatherly arms.

    1. Dear Lizzie. :) That verse has always been an encouragement to me as well, I love it. And I especially like the part about the flowers in the field. Thank you so much for the wonderful comment - you are so kind to have left lovely words for me to read. Blessings to you as well.
      Tane ♥

  9. I know exactly how you feel,

    1. Hi Tiara - so nice to know that you are another person who can relate. ;)
      Tane xxx

  10. Stay strong love. We all over think a lot, nothing wrong with that <3

  11. I love your new blog header, Tane!

    I've also nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Here's a link to the post:

    xx ☼Radiance


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Tane ♥